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2011 7th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart System

글쓴이 정현진 작성일 2011.07.20 00:00 조회수 2013 추천 0
2011 7th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems 2011.11.4 Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field. Present your research within a unique forum. Collaborate with experts from around the world. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. This year, all accepted and presented papers will also be published in the Advanced Materials Research Journal (ISSN: 1022-6680).
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이전글 이전글 컨퍼런스 안내 : 1st Nano S&T
다음글 다음글 국제 conference: LEDs 2011