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컨퍼런스 안내 : 1st Nano S&T

글쓴이 정현진 작성일 2011.07.22 00:00 조회수 2226 추천 0
2011.10.23 중국 대련 행사 개요: Nano S&T-2011 aims to offer professionals in Nano related filed a multidisciplinary platform to learn more about the latest scientific updates and current industry standards. Participants will explore intimate knowledge of the research, business and investment activities occurring throughout the global nanotechnology community through business and technology plans. It consists of 1 plenary forum from a panel of leading experts in nano science and technology, 1 focused parallel conference on nanomedicine, 16 tracks of parallel scientific symposia on basic research to industrial development, 500+ Oral Presentations by Top Level Engineers and Scientists in Nano S&T and 100+ Poster Presentations for Updating Current Nano S&T. Nano S&T-2011 provides an ideal platform to showcase your novel technologies and products in China. It is developed to offer comfort to delegates while maximizing exhibitor exposure, the coffee breaks and poster sessions will all take place in the exhibition area promoting frequent repeated opportunities for delegates to visit the exhibits. It is estimated that 1500+ professionals will visit the conference this time.
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