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[연재29회]특허데이터 표준 가이드

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.04.08 00:00 조회수 1874 추천 0 스크랩 0
3.1.5 st.9 특허와 추가보호증(spcs)의 서지데이터에 관련된 권고안 (bibliographic data on and relating to patents and spcs) ○ 서지데이터는 최소한 특허문서의 첫 페이지에 인쇄하고, 특허공보는 요소항목으로 기재하여 발간되어야 한다. ○ 용어 설명 - spc(supplementary protection certificate) : 보충보호등록증을 의미. 특허기간 말미에 효력을 발휘하는 것으로서 제품 자체, 그 제품을 획득하는 과정 또는 그 제품의 응용을 보호한다. ○ 서지데이터 요소의 식별을 위한 inid 코드 및 최소 요구사항 - inid(internationally agreed numbers for identification of data) 코드에 상응하는 서지데이터의 정의 목록(appendix i)에서 특허문서의 첫 페이지와 특허공보의 기재사항에 나타내야 하는 최소한의 요소(*) 및 아래 notes에 의한 초소한의 요소(**)는 아래와 같다. ▪【10】특허, spcs 또는 특허문서의 식별 * (11) number of the patent, spc or patent x-document * (12) plain language designation of the kind of x-document * (13) kind-of-x-document code according to wipo standard st.16 ** (19) wipo standard st.3 code, or other identification, of the office or organization publishing the x-document notes : minimum data element for patent x-documents only. ▪【20】특허나 spcs에 대한 출원과 관련한 데이터 * (21) number(s) assigned to the application(s), e.g., “numéro d’enregistrement national,” “aktenzeichen” * (22) date(s) of filing the application(s) * (23) other date(s), including date of filing complete specification following provisional specification and date of exhibition ▪【30】파리협정에 의한 우선권 관련 일자 * (31) number(s) assigned to priority application(s) * (32) date(s) of filing of priority application(s) * (33) wipo standard st.3 code identifying the national industrial property office allotting the priority application number or the organization allotting the regional priority application number; for international applications filed under the pct, the code “wo” is to be used ▪【40】공중이 이용할 수 있게 하는 날짜 ** (41) date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, an unexamined patent x-document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date ** (42) date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, an examined patent x-document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date ** (43) date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of an unexamined patent x-document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date ** (44) date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of an examined patent x-document, on which no grant or only a provisional grant has taken place on or before the said date ** (45) date of making available to the public by printing or similar process of a patent x-document on which grant has taken place on or before the said date ** (47) date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request, a patent x-document on which grant has taken place on or before the said date * (48) date of issuance of a corrected patent x-document notes : minimum data element for patent x-documents only, the minimum data requirement being met by indicating the date of making available to the public the patent x-document concerned. ▪【50】기술정보 * (51) international patent classification or, in the case of a design patent, as referred to in subparagraph 4(c) of this recommendation, international classification for industrial designs * (54) title of the invention ▪【60】기타 법적, 절차적으로 관련된 국내 또는 이전의 국내 특허문서 (그에 대해 발간되지 않은 출원포함)에 대한 참고문헌 * (61) number and, if possible, filing date of the earlier application, or number of the earlier publication, or number of earlier granted patent, inventor’s certificate, utility model or the like to which the present patent x-document is an addition * (62) number and, if possible, filing date of the earlier application from which the present patent x-document has been divided up * (63) number and filing date of the earlier application of which the present patent x-document is a continuation * (64) number of the earlier publication which is “reissued” ▪【70】특허 또는 spcs와 관련한 당사자 정보 ** (71) name(s) of applicant(s) ** (73) name(s) of grantee(s), holder(s), assignee(s) or owner(s) ** (75) name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also applicant(s) ** (76) name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also applicant(s) and grantee(s) notes : for patent x-documents for which grant has taken place on or before the date of making available to the public, and gazette entries relating thereto, the minimum data requirement is met by indicating the grantee, and for other x-documents by indication of the applicant. ▪【80】,【90】파리협약외의 국제협약과 관련되고 spcs와 관련한 법령에 관계된 데이터의 식별
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