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[연재 55회] KPA - 잘못 작성된 사례

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.24 00:00 조회수 1838 추천 0 스크랩 0
□ 사례 25 -단말기의 위치제어방법- ▶분야 : 전기전자(통신) ▶기술내용 : 통신단말기에서 문자입력에 편의를 제공하는데 적당한 단말기의 커서 위치 제어방법에 관한 것으로, 통신단말기에서의 문자입력 시에 문자의 기입위치를 지시하는 커서의 위치를 필요에 따라 보다 빠르고 편리하게 이동하도록 해주기 위한 단말기의 커서 위치 제어 방법 ▶title ○작성내용 : method for controlling a position of a cursor in a terminal, especially concerned with rapidly and conveniently moving the position of the cursor as occasion demands wherein the cursor instructs a position for an inputted character ○수정내용 : 문자의 기입위치를 지시하는 커서의 위치를 필요에 따라 보다 빠르고 편리하게 이동하도록 해주기 위한 단말기의 커서 위치 제어방법을 제공 ▶purpose ○작성내용 : a method for controlling a position of a cursor in a terminal is provided to enable a user to move a cursor to a position of a character with a typographical error or to be modified only by inputting number keys twice at the most when the typographical error occurs or written content is modified. ○수정내용 : is provided to enable a user to move a cursor to a position of a character with a typographical error or to be modified only by inputting number keys twice at the most without additionally pressing a direction key several times for moving a cursor when the typographical error occurs or written content is modified. ·커서를 이동하기 위한 방향키를 추가적으로 여러 번 누를 필요가 없이 최대 2번의 숫자키 입력만으로 오타 위치나 수정하고자 하는 문자 위치로 커서를 이동가능하다. ▶constitution ○작성내용 : a method for controlling a position of a cursor in a terminal comprises the following several steps. if a user executes a message preparation task for a messaging service in a communication terminal, the communication terminal displays a page for inputting characters and a x-frame of the page on a display unit(s10). in case that a character is inputted in a specific line on the page, the communication terminal displays a cursor at an inputting position of a current character in the line(s20). if a key matched with one among numbers displayed on the x-frame is pushed while the cursor is positioned at the n-th line(s30), the communication terminal moves the cursor to a column which the inputted number points to(s40). ○수정내용 : a method for controlling a position of a cursor in a terminal comprises the following several steps. if a user executes a message preparation task for a messaging service in a communication terminal, the communication terminal displays a page for inputting characters and a x-frame of the page on a display unit(s10). in case that a character is inputted in a specific line on the page, the communication terminal displays a cursor at a position of an inputting position of a current character in the line(s20). if a key is matched with one among numbers displayed on the x-frame while the cursor is positioned at the n-th line (s30), the communication terminal moves the cursor to a position where the inputted number points(s40). the cursor starts to move at the same n-th line as the line where the cursor is positioned before moving. ·if a key matched with one among numbers displayed on the x-frame is pushed while the cursor is positioned at the n-th line(s30), ->if a key is matched with one among numbers displayed on the x-frame while the cursor is positioned at the n-th line (s30), the communication terminal moves the cursor to a column which the inputted number points to(s40).(상기 표시되어 있던 커서를 상기 인식된 입력숫자가 나타내는 위치의 칸으로 커서를 이동시킨다.), 커서이동은 이동전에 커서가 위치하던 줄과 동일한 n번째 줄에서 실시한다라는 내용 추가
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