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[연재49회]부록-The PCT minimum documentation journal list

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.14 00:00 조회수 1764 추천 0 스크랩 0
○ the pct minimum x-documentation journal list 1. journal of the acoustical society of america 2. journal of the acoustical society of japan (nippon onkyo gakkaishi) - (now deleted) 3. acta chemica scandinavica 4. aerosol age - (now deleted) 5. bioscience, biotechnology and biochemistry (agricultural and biological chemistry) 6. agricultural machinery journal - (now deleted) 7. journal of the american ceramic society 8. journal of the american chemical society 9. american dyestuff reporter - (now deleted) 10. analytical chemistry 11. angewandte chemie 12. annals of nuclear energy - (now deleted) 13. applied optics 14. applied physics letters 15. asea journal (ex-asea's tidning) - (now deleted) 16. atm und messtechnische praxis - (now deleted) 17. automobiltechnische zeitschrift (atz) 18. automatic welding or avtomaticheskaya svarka - (now deleted) 19. automation and remote control - (now deleted) 20. aviation week and space technology 21. at&t bell laboratories record - (now deleted) 22. at&t technical journal (ex-at&t bell laboratories technical journal / ex-bell system technical journal) - (now deleted) 23. brown-boveri review - (now deleted) 24. bulletin of the academy of sciences of the ussr: physical series - (now deleted) 25. bulletin of the academy of sciences of the ussr: chemical series - (now deleted) 26. bulletin sev/vse - (now deleted) 27. chemical & engineering news 28. chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin (pharmaceutical bulletin) 29. chemical engineering 30. journal of chemical engineering of japan, journal of the society of chemical engineers - (now deleted)
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