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[연재50회]부록-Chemical Reviews

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.14 00:00 조회수 1631 추천 0 스크랩 0
31. Chemical Reviews 32. Journal of the Chemical Society - Five sections: (A)- Chemical Communications (new results, all branches) (B)- Dalton Transactions (inorganic chemistry) (C)- Faraday Transactions(ex-Faraday Transactions I, Faraday Transactions II) (D)- Perkin Transactions I (organic and bio-organic chemistry) (E)- Perkin Transactions II (physical organic chemistry) 33. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 34. Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan (Nippon Kagaku Kaishi) - (now deleted) 35. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 36. Chemiker Zeitung - (now deleted) 37. Chemische Berichte - (now deleted) 38. Chemistry and Industry 39. CIBA-Geigy Review - (now deleted) 40. Civil Engineering - (now deleted) 41. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 42. Compressed Air - (now deleted) 43. Comptes-rendus des S?ances de l'Acad?mie des Sciences, Series I-II-III - (now deleted) 44. Control and Instrumentation - (now deleted) 45. Control Engineering 46. Doklady - Chemistry - (now deleted) 47. Electrical Communication 48. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 49. Electronic Design 50. Electronic Engineering 51. Electronics (Electronics Week) - (now deleted) 52. Elektrotechnik und Maschinenbau - (now deleted) 53. Engineering - (now deleted) 54. Engineering Materials and Design - (now deleted) 55. ETZ (Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift) - (now deleted) 56. F?rdern und Heben - (now deleted) 57. Funkschau - (now deleted) 58. Giesserei - (now deleted) 59. Glass and Ceramics - (now deleted) 60. Glastechnische Berichte - (now deleted)
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