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[연재55회]부록-Radio, Fernsehen, Elektronik

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.15 00:00 조회수 1777 추천 0 스크랩 0
181. Radio, Fernsehen, Elektronik 182. Solar Energy - (now deleted) 183. Semiconductors (ex-Soviet Physics-Semiconductors) 184. Soviet Physics - Uspekhi or Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk - (now deleted) 185. Technical Physics Letters (ex-Soviet Technical Physics Letters) 186. Steel in the USSR or Stal and Izv - (now deleted) 187. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering or Radioteknika, Radio i Svyaz and Elektrosvyaz, Radio i Svyaz - (now deleted) 188. Welding Production or Svarochnoe Proizvodstovo - (now deleted) 189. Xerox Disclosure Journal 190. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion - (now deleted) 191. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (ex-periodical PCT identification number 80, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems) - (now deleted) 192. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (ex-periodical PCT identification number 80, IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems) - (now deleted) 193. AT&T Technology (ex-AT&T Bell Laboratories Record) - (now deleted) 194. Steel Times - Incorporating Iron & Steel - (now deleted) 195. Nature 196. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 197. Gene 198. Nucleic Acids Research 199. Science 200. Welding International - (now deleted) 201. ABB Review (ABB Tidning) / ex-ASEA Journal - (now deleted) 202. Electronic Letters 203. Computer Design 204. Elektronik 205. IEEE Electron Device Letters 206. Thin Solid Films 207. Wescon Technical Papers 208. IEEE - Transactions on Nuclear Science 209. Journal of Biological Chemistry 210. BBA Biochimica et Biophysica ACTA
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