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[연재7회] KPA - 세부지침

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.08 00:00 조회수 1655 추천 0 스크랩 0
다. 문장구조(sentence structure) 1.주어와 동사(subject and verb relationship) 1) 명확한 주어 - 문장에서 주어가 명확하게 드러나도록 작성 ·an indication of probable asymmetric throat area reduction between the upper and lower throat of the nozzle during reverse thrust operation is shown by the jet-lift coefficients presented in figure 12. : indication 과 is shown의 지나치게 멈 ⟶ the jet-lift coefficient presented in figure 12 indicate a probable asymmetric throat are reduction between the upper and lower throats of the nozzle during reverse thrust operation. - 가주어 사용 지양 ·it appears that grains refining improved the toughness of maraging steels. ⟶ grain refining seemed to improve the toughness of margaing steels. 2) 주어와 동사사이에 부사절 - 수식어의 위치 변경 ·the test medium is the combustion products of methane and air, which are produced in a high-pressure combustor, expanded through an asymmetric contour nozzle, and diffused and pumped from the test section to the atmosphere through an annular air ejector. ⟶ the test medium, the combustion products of methane and air, is produced in a high-pressure combustor, expanded through an symmetric contoured nozzle, and diffused and pumped from the test section to the atmosphere through an annular air ejector. 3) 주어와 동사사이에 긴 형용사 절 또는 구가 있을 경우 - 문장 재구성을 통한 주어와 동사의 관계 명확화 ·pressure that were sensed at discrete locations such as in the cavity just behind the seal, at the bulkhead, and at the base of the elevon and ramp are also given ⟶ pressures sensed at discrete locations, such as the bulkhead, are also given. (주어, 동사사이의 불필요한 형용사구나 절의 삭제) ⟶ also given are pressures that were sensed at discrete locations such as in the cavity just behind the seal, at bulkhead, and at the base of the eleven and ramp. (주어와 동사 위치 변경) ⟶ pressures are also given which were sensed at discrete locations such as in the cavity just behind the sean, at the bulkhead, and ar the base of the elevon and the ramp. (동사구가 짧고 수식관계가 명확할 땐 주어 뒤에 동사 위치). 2.병치구조(parallelism) 1) 평행한 문장구조 - 문장의 전후, 좌우가 문법적 및 논리적으로 평행한 구조를 갖도록 구성 ·the mixing noise is the dominant component of the spectrum, but the background noise peaks at a high frequency. ⟶ the mixing noise dominates the spectrum, but the background noise peaks at a high frequency. ·continuous cyclic exposure resulted in matrix diffusing to the reaction x-layer and degradation of the strength of the composit material. ⟶ continuous cyclic exposure resulted in the diffusion of the matrix to the reaction x-layer and the degradation of the strength of the composit material. 3.문장의 간결성(conciseness) 1) 간결한 단어 및 문장으로 구성 - 의미중복 및 불필요한 단어의 삭제 · ac current → ac · enter into → enter· close proximity → close· inside of → inside· very unique → unique· with the exception of → except· 30 seconds in duration → 30 seconds· due to the fact that → because· in the range of 1 to 10 → from 1 to 10 - 간결한 동사 사용 · analyses were made → analyze· give consideration to → consider· make adjustments to → adjust· take measurements of → measure - 문장구조의 단순화(종속절은 구로, 구는 형용사와 부사로) · any ash that was not carried into the stratosphere moved toward the northeast into a bank of mammatus clouds. mammatus clouds have downward accelerations and upward velocities. they thus allow the larger particles to drift downward. ⟶ any ash not carried into the stratosphere moved northeasterly into a bank of mammatus clouds. the downward acceleration and upward velocity of these clouds allowed the larger particles to drift downward.
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