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[연재 11회] KPA - 작성지침

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.09 00:00 조회수 1543 추천 0 스크랩 0
나. 오류 용어 - 초록 작성시 자주 발견되는 오류 용어 1) affect vs. effect - affect, almost always a verb, means " to influence, have an effect on. - effect, usually a noun, means " an outcome, result". But it may also be a verb meaning "to make happen. producer" 2) bring vs. take - bring : when an action is directed towards you. - take : When an action is directed away from you. 3) strength(강도) vs. stiffness(강성) - 강도는 재료가 강한 정도를, 강성은 물체가 변형에 저항하는 정도를 나타냄. 예를 들어, 끊기는 어려우나 모양이 쉽게 변하는 나이론줄은 강도는 높으나 강성은 약함 4) lathe vs. shelf - 기계가공용 선반(lathe)인지 일반선반(shelves , rack)인지 주의 5) censer vs. consor - censer : a container of burning incense - censor : a mechanical or electronic detector 6) disk vs. disc - disk 가 일반적인 스펠링이나 몇몇 경우에는 disc가 선호됨 : compact disc, disc brake 7) content vs. contents - content : applies to the topic of a written or oral presentation - contents : usually denotes physical ingredients 8) electric vs. electrical - electric : used with names of particular machines : electric motor, electric blanket - electrical : used before more general words : electrical appliance, electrical engineering 9) climatic vs. climactic - climatic : adjective of climate : detecting the climatic conditions of ... - climactic : adjective of climax : the climactic scene of ... 10) contagious vs. infectious - contagious : refers to mode of transmission - infectious : refers to cause : An infectious disease may or my not be contagious 11) partly vs. partially - partly : to some extent, in part - partially : to some extent , in part + incomplete and unfairly 12) between; among; amid - Between : indicates one-to-one relationship : 일반적으로 2개 관계 사이에만 쓰이나, 복수개의 1:1 관계가 명확하다면 2개 이상의 관계 사이에서도 쓰임 - Among : indicates undefined collective relationships, with plural of count nouns - Amid : used with mass nouns 13) farther vs. further - farther : for a physical distance - further : for a figurative distance 14) less vs. fewer - less : for mass, or amount - fewer : for countable things
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