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글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.15 00:00 조회수 1624 추천 0 스크랩 0
121. Packaging (ex-Package Engineering) (ex-Modern Packaging) - (now deleted) 122. Modern Plastics International 123. Nickel Topics (ex-Inco Nickel) - (now deleted) 124. NTZ (Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift) - (now deleted) 125. Nuclear Engineering International - (now deleted) 126. Journal of the Optical Society of America (Parts A and B from January and March 1984 respectively) Part A - Optics and Image Science Part B - Optical Physics 127. Optics & Spectroscopy 128. Oyo Buturi - (now deleted) 129. Philips Journal of Research 130. Philips Technical Review - (now deleted) 131. Physical Review Part A - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids and Related Interdisciplinary Topics / General Physics Part B - Condensed Matter Part C - Nuclear Physics Part D - Particles and Fields 132. Plastverarbeiter 133. Playthings 134. Polymer Science 135. Power 136. Power Farming - (now deleted) 137. Radio Engineering and Electronic Physics or Radiotekhnika i Elektronika - (now deleted) 138. RCA Review - (now deleted) 139. Review of Scientific Instruments 140. Automatisierungstechnik (ex-Regelungstechnik) - (now deleted) 141. Rubber Chemistry and Technology 142. Russian Chemical Reviews or Uspekhi Khimii - (now deleted) 143. Russian Engineering Journal - (now deleted) 144. Automotive Engineering 145. Scientific American 146. Siemens Review (Siemens Zeitschrift) - (now deleted) 147. SMPTE Journal 148. SDC - Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists 149. Solid-State Electronics 150. Solid-State Technology
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