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[연재54회]부록-Soviet Atomic Energy or Atomnaya Energiya

글쓴이 복진요 작성일 2008.01.15 00:00 조회수 1776 추천 0 스크랩 0
151 .Soviet Atomic Energy or Atomnaya Energiya - (now deleted) 152. Soviet Physics - Acoustics or Akusticheskii Zhurnal - (now deleted) 153. Soviet Physics - Doklady - (now deleted) 154. Soviet Physics - Solid State or Fizika Tverdogo Tela - (now deleted) 155. Soviet Physics - Technical Physics - (now deleted) 156. Stahl und Eisen 157. Steroids: Structure, Function and Regulation 158. TAPPI Journal (TAPPI) 159. Tetrahedron - (no longer included in JOPAL project) 160. Tetrahedron Letters 161. Textil Praxis International - (now deleted) 162. Textile Manufacturer and Knitting World (ex-Textile Manufacturer) - (now deleted) 163 .Textile Research Journal 164. VDI-Z / Zeitschrift f?r Integrierte Produktionstechnik 165. Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation (Water Environment Research) 166. Westinghouse Engineer - (now deleted) 167. Wiggin Nickel Alloys - (now deleted) 168. Electronics and Wireless World (Wireless World) 169. Chemical Abstracts 170 .Bulletin de la Soci?t? chimique de France 171. L'Onde ?lectrique 172. Automatic Control and Computer Science - (now deleted) 173. Coke and Chemistry - USSR or Koks i Khimia - (now deleted) 174. Farbe und Lack - (now deleted) 175. Fibre Chemistry or Khimicheskie Volokna - (now deleted) 176. Instruments and Experimental Techniques or Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta - (now deleted) 177. Journal of Crystal Growth 178. Zurnal organiceskoj himii (Journal of Organic Chemistry of Russia) 179. Oil and Gas Journal - (now deleted) 180. Optics Communications
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