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Patent changes aimed at cutting costs, paperwork

글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2007.06.05 00:00 조회수 1379 추천 0
Patent changes aimed at cutting costs, paperwork Jun 04, 2007 05:00 PM Canadian press OTTAWA ? Small businesses and universities will get cost savings when applying for patents on new products and inventions under regulatory changes announced Monday by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Companies with 50 or fewer employees and universities will be permitted to file under the "small entity" category that would allow patent applicants and holders to save up to $3,000 over the life of a patent, said the office, a division of Industry Canada. As well, other regulatory changes to filing procedures are intended to save applicants time and money. Applicants are no longer required to register evidence with their declaration, a change Industry Canada estimates will save about 37,000 annual applicants about $3.7 million a year. As well, the patent office will no longer charge a fee for clients that amend their trademark register, which the department says could save applicants about $850,000 a year. The office is also increasing the time limit for filing opposition to a patent applications. The department said the changes are in line with the government's commitment to reduce administrative and paperwork burden on businesses by 20 per cent by November 2008. Most of the amendments went into effect June 2, with some going into effect Oct. 1.
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