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Qualcomm Licenses 3G Patents to Sagem

글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2007.06.07 00:00 조회수 1513 추천 0
Qualcomm Licenses 3G Patents to Sagem Qualcomm says that it has entered into a WCDMA subscriber unit license agreement with Sagem Communication (SAFRAN Group). Under the terms of a royalty-bearing agreement, Qualcomm has granted Sagem Communication a worldwide license under its patent portfolio to develop, manufacture and sell 3G WCDMA subscriber units at Qualcomm's standard worldwide royalty rates. "Qualcomm is pleased to license its patented technologies to Sagem Communication, enabling yet another European company to compete in the dynamic and rapidly growing opportunities for 3G WCDMA products," said Marvin Blecker, president of Qualcomm Technology Licensing. "We are quite pleased that Qualcomm's proactive licensing business model continues to enable new entrants to introduce exciting new 3G WCDMA products, providing operators and consumers with increasing choices among a large array of product offerings at all price points."
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