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Microsoft, LGE to share patents

글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2007.06.08 00:00 조회수 1625 추천 0
microsoft, lge to share patents microsoft corp. and lg electronics announced yesterday that they formed a patent cross licensing agreement that will benefit both companies in the development of new products. the world's largest software maker and korea's second-largest electronics company said in a statement that they have completed negotiations that started in 2003. under the agreement, microsoft will be able to use lg electronics' operating system and computer system-related patents and lg electronics will gain access to microsoft's software-related patents including those used in linux-based x-embedded devices, the statement said. the contract terms were not disclosed but the two companies agreed that the amount and method of royalty payments will depend on the values of the patents. "our good relationship with microsoft enables lge to provide improved telecommunications solutions to our customers," said lee jeong-hwan, executive vice president of the intellectual property center at lg electronics. "this agreement is another example of how microsoft is continuing to build bridges with others in the industry through intellectual property licensing," said horacio gutierrez, vice president of intellectual property and licensing at microsoft. microsoft has engaged in patent cross licensing with various companies, strengthening business partnerships with home electronics makers, communications service providers, hardware producers and platform providers. in april, microsoft made a similar patent-sharing agreement with samsung electronics, gaining access to the korea-based company's existing and future patents applied to digital media and computer-related goods. samsung was allowed to use microsoft's patents in computers, set-top boxes, dvd px-layers, camcorders, tv sets, printers and home electronics. by kim yoon-mi (yoonmi@heraldm.com) 2007.06.08
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