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OSGi 관련 특허 모음


미국등록특허(US 06871193)

글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2006.03.09 00:00 조회수 1392 추천 0 스크랩 0
공보번호 US 06871193 (2005.3.22.) 출원번호 US 870143 (2001.5.30.) 발명의 명칭 : Method and system for partitioned service-enablement gateway with utility and consumer services 출원인 : Verizon Corporate Services Group 초록 : A gateway for providing consumer services is presented. The gateway includes a secure partition associated with a gateway and operable to control access to at least one utility service and a bundle associated with the secure partition. The gateway also includes a consumer service associated with the secure partition and an application programmer interface (API) bundle associated with the secure partition and providing at least one support function to the consumer service. In addition, the gateway includes a provisioning service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the provisioning service operable to install the consumer service, a billing service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the billing service operable to provide billing capabilities to the consumer service and a profile service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the profile service operable to store a user profile. Further, the gateway includes an authentication service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the authentication service operable to authorize a user associated with the gateway, a remote-logging service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the remote-logging service operable to log an event associated with the consumer service, and a maintenance service associated with the secure partition and the API bundle, the maintenance service operable to determine a network status associated with the gateway.
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다음글 다음글 미국등록특허(US 06961668)