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[참고]구글 특허 분석에 사용할 수 있는 청구항 검토 툴

글쓴이 관리자 작성일 2014.06.25 13:34 조회수 2150 추천 0


patent claims tree tool updates

may 2, 2014thepatentanalystleave a commentgo to comments

the patent claims tree chrome browser extension i created in 2012  provides a patent claims tree for a given patent x-document, and it has become fairly popular, with several hundred users as of this writing. the tool is available at the chrome web store, and is described in more detail here.

i have recently made a couple of improvements to the tool for ep and wo (pct/wipo) patent x-document handling. for one, claim tree creation is now supported for both ep and wo patent x-documents on google patents. additionally, rudimentary support for german and french for ep patent x-documents in google patents has been added. while the claim type is not handled for german and french, claim tree creation is now provided. additionally, it should be noted that google patents provides kind code b (i.e., issued patent) claims text for ep patents (while espacenet does not as of this writing — the kind code b issued claims are only available in a pdf file). see this other patentanalyst blog post regarding consideration of kind codes for ep patent x-documents.

the screenshot below shows a claims tree for an issued ep patent viewed in google patents. noteworthy is that not all formats of multiple dependent claims are fully handled in the patent claims tree tool. these types of claims are more common in ep patent x-documents than in us patent x-documents.


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