Joint cooperation between WIPO and APEC for the development of e-learning content Back
IP e-learning Packages
The global IP e-learning program is geared towards developing English training materials and administering educational courses based on such materials to domestic and foreign IP professionals, university students, and all other interested persons. Further, it will facilitate the online acquisition of IP knowledge and provide a proper avenue for sharing up-to-date IP trends and information.
Until recently, IP educational courses in Korea have been offered in Korean and based on domestic laws and systems. However, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights constitute one of the most globalized spheres. As a result, Korean enterprises, universities, and R&D centers have now found themselves in the difficult position of being compelled to cooperate and/or compete globally with foreign enterprises and governments in the creation, utilization and protection of IPRs in order to remain competitive. Consequently, the demand for global IP education is greater now than at any other time in the past.
In order to effectively address domestic demand and contribute to the advancement of global IP education, KIPO has developed English IP e-learning contents and administered relevant educational courses that trainees can easily access and utilize through the Internet. KIPO has mostly done this in cooperation with international organizations such as WIPO and APEC.
IP Education Course Management
Since 2005, KIPO has been administering various courses in Korean universities and graduate schools using multimedia e-learning contents. In 2009, a total of 42 educational courses were offered and 2,550 students completed them.
Apart from such domestic courses, KIPO (in cooperation with international organizations) has also managed global IP e-learning courses in which foreign trainees participated. For instance, in 2009, in cooperation with APEC and KIPA, KIPO administered the "Project for Training Intellectual Property Right Information Facilitators Using e-Learning Contents, IP Xpedite." And in 2010, in cooperation with WIPO, KAIST and KIPA, KIPO introduced a Joint Certificate Course based on IP Panorama. At the end of this Joint Certificate Course, trainees who achieve the required minimum performance will be issued certificates in the name of WIPO, KIPO, KAIST and KIPA.
The two courses mentioned above are characteristically geared to maximize impact on trainees. They combine an online multimedia-based course with an offline seminar-style course. On the one hand, they transmit specialized knowledge, online to participants wherever they may be and on the other hand, they offer participants from different countries the opportunity to share and exchange information on IP policies and practices. In confirmation of the effectiveness of the courses, a survey conducted on trainees who completed the APEC Joint Certificate Course in 2009 showed that 85.11% were highly satisfied with the online course while 89.24% were very satisfied with the offline course.
IP Panorama 2.0
IP Panorama 2.0 is an e-learning program which teaches how to utilize and manage intellectual property (IP) for business success.
Developed by the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), IP Panorama 2.0 is an updated version of the original IP Panorama program which was released in 2007.
Since its launch, IP Panorama 1.0 has been translated into 24 languages, including all six official languages of the United Nations. Between 2015 and 2021, more than 19,000 individuals have participated in the IP Panorama 1.0 course.
IP Panorama 2.0 represents a significant leap forward from its predecessor as the entire program has been updated to utilize microlearning techniques and feature a modern design, recent case studies, and more. The original 13 course modules have been reduced to eight and sub-divided to reflect current trends in e-learning, with shorter educational segments for mobile-friendly content.
IP Panorama Contents
Module 1 | The Role of IP |
Module 2 | IP and IPR as Tools in Utilisation |
Module 3 | Different Forms of IP and IPR |
Module 4 | How to Ensure Your Business is e-Savvy |
Module 5 | The IP Strategy |
Module 6 | IP Audit |
Module 7 | IP Infringement |
Module 8 | IP Utilisation |
With funding from APEC and in cooperation with KIPA, during 2006 - 2007, KIPO developed an IP e-learning content, so-called IP Xpedite, which deals with the utilization of IPR information.
Since 2008, IP Xpedite has been disseminated to APEC member economies and it is available at the websites of APEC and KIPO. In 2009, KIPO ran an APEC IPi Facilitator Training Course, which was a combination of online and offline educational programs based on IP Xpedite. The course led to the development of a new e-learning program called IP Xpedite Practical derived from lectures given by IP experts from WIPO, Korea, the US, Japan, and Australia.
IP Xpedite and IP Xpedite Practical Development Status
2006 | 2007 | 2009 | 2012 |
IP Xpedite Module 1-8 |
IP Xpedite Module 9-14 |
IP Practical Module 1-7 |
Practical II Module 1-5 |
IP Xpedite features contents based on practical issues and cases regarding patent information. It consists of 14 modules as listed below. In the case of IP Xpedite Practical, a total of 7 modules have been developed focusing on search practices using patent databases acquired from key countries such as Korea, the U.S., Japan, Europe, and so on. And IP Xpedite Practical ll which consists of 5 modules as listed below.
IP-Xpedite Contents
Module 1 | Value of IPR Information |
Module 2 | Characteristics of IP Systems of Major Countries |
Module 3 | IPR Database Source |
Module 4 | Understanding and Searching Patent Information |
Module 5 | Understanding and Searching Trademark Information |
Module 6 | Patent Indicators |
Module 7 | Patent Maps |
Module 8 | Preparation of Patent Maps |
Module 9 | Advanced Searches for Patent Documents Using an IPC and an F-term |
Module 10 | International Application through the PCT System and its Strategies |
Module 11 | International Trademark Application through the Madrid System and its Strategies |
Module 12 | Interpreting and Drafting Patent Documents in the US |
Module 13 | Interpreting and Drafting Patent Documents in Japan and Korea |
Module 14 | Interpreting and Drafting Patent Documents in EPO and Australia |
IP Xpedite Practical Contents
Module 1 | Patent Analysis Based on Patent Information Search |
Module 2 | Patent Information Search Using KIPRIS |
Module 3 | Patent Information Search Using IPDL |
Module 4 | Patent Information Search Using USPTO |
Module 5 | Patent Information Search Using Esp@ceNet |
Module 6 | [ONSITE LECTURE] AusPat |
IP Xpedite Practical ll Contents
Module 1 | KIPO's Patentability Standards Based on Precedents |
Module 2 | USPTO's Patentability Standards Based on Precedents |
Module 3 | EPO's Patentability Standards Based on Precedents |
Module 4 | JPO's Patentability Standards Based on Precedents |
Module 5 | Trade Dress |
KIPO has remodeled the DL-101 course offered by WIPO Academy on international law into multimedia contents in cooperation with WIPO and KIPA. The new course will be offered to universities, graduate schools and enterprises all over the world.
The WIPO DL-101 course addresses IPRs from the perspective of international law. In response to requests from domestic university students, it has recently been revised into a multimedia-based course and is now known as IP IGNITE.
IP IGNITE Contents
Module 1 | Orientation |
Module 2 | Introduction to IP |
Module 3 | Patents |
Module 4 | Trademarks |
Module 5 | Geographical Indications |
Module 6 | Industrial Design |
Module 7 | Copyright |
Module 8 | Related Rights |
Module 9 | WIP Administered Treaties on International Registration Systems |
Module 10 | PCT |
Module 11 | Unfair Competition |
Module 12 | Protection of New Varieties of Plants and Emerging Issues in IP |
- Last updated 25 May 2023
- Intellectual Property Technical Cooperation Division