KIPO Authority File
The Authority File provided by KIPO is a list of publications of patent and utility model in WIPO Standard ST.96 format for international distribution.
KIPO provides the ST.96 publications twice a month and provides Authority Files twice a year for publication verification. Information recorded in the Authority File is listed as follows:
- Country code
- Publication number
- Kind code
- Date of publication
- Exception code
The country code indicates the country where the publication was issued (KR is standard). Included is the publication number of the relevant publication, the kind code which specifies Unexamined Publication, Publication of Application or Examined Publication, and the exception code which shows publication information errors.
According to the kind code and publication number system, the Authority File has three types of files: Unexamined Publication (A,U), Publication of Application (B1,Y1), and Examined Publication (B1,Y1).
If you download the Authority File below, you will find a detailed list of publications. There you can find explanations on the criteria for assigning publication numbers, the numbering system, and exception codes.
According to the kind code and publication number system, the Authority File has three types of files: Unexamined Publication (A,U), Publication of Application (B1,Y1), and Examined Publication (B1,Y1).
Description of KIPO's Authority File Download
Authority File(Full coverage, ~20240531) Download
- Last updated 12 June 2024
- Industrial Property Information System Division