Sitemap Site map in alphabetical order A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Annual Report AI and IP5 cooperation AI-related patent applications AI and patentability Application Procedures for Patents and Utility models Application Procedures for Layout Designs Application Procedures for Trademarks Application Procedures for Designs Appropriate Technology Authority File B Bilateral & Multilateral Cooperation C Collaborative Search Program(CSP) Contact Us F FAQ Fees and Payments(Patents&Utility Models) Fees and Payments(Trademarks&Designs) I Introduction Inventors Hall of Fame IP Examination IP Policies International IP Courses IP e-Learning Industrial Property Laws IP Treaties International Patent Search IP Protection IP5 Cooperation IP Training & Education IPTAB Annual Report Issues of AI inventorship K KIPO History KIPOnet K-PION KIPO MI KIPO Main Office L Laws & Regulations(Trademarks & Designs) Laws & Regulations(Patents & UtilityModels) Layout Designs M Mission & Vision N News O Organizational Chart Overview of the Trademark System in Korea Overview of the Design System in Korea Overview of the Patent System in Korea Overview of the Utility Model System in Korea Others(Publications) One Village One Brand P Profile Patent Prosecution Highway PCT Services PCT Fees Payment PCT Payment Inquiry PCT Status Patents and Utility Models Patent Examination Guidelines Photo Gallery Public survey regarding an AI inventor S Seoul Branch Office Speeches & Interviews Statistics T Trials & Appeals(Patents & UtilityModels) Trials & Appeals(Trademarks & Designs) U Useful Sites V Videos W Welcome to KIPO WIPO Korea Funds-in-Trust Last updated 20 April 2023 International Cooperation Division