Public Survey regarding an AI Inventor

(Number of Respondents) 1,204 the general public, 292 experts
  • ① Half of the general public (about 50%) in their 20s and 30s expressed great interest in AI inventorship.
  • ② The general public and experts assessed the current AI technology level as “Invention Partner(70%)” and “Simple Tool(66%)”, respectively.
  • ③ Premature to recognize AI as an inventor* or a patent right holder** * Opposition to the naming AI as an inventor: 60.8%
    ** Opposition to the recognition of AI as a patent right holder: 75.6%
  • ④ A majority responded that if a patent right is granted for an AI invention, the right should be given to AI user(s) (50.5%).
  • ⑤ A majority responded that if a patent right is granted for an AI-generated invention, the patent term should be shorter than the one for an invention created by a natural person (75% of the general public; and 65% of the experts).
(Next steps)
  • To lead discussions regarding AI inventorship at home and abroad based on the public survey results, especially when setting up the AI related system in the future
  • To present it as an agenda at the IP5 Heads of Offices Meeting (Scheduled to be held in 2024, Korea)
  • Last updated 23 May 2024
  • Patent Legal Administration Division