The following information is based on the most commonly charged fees for trademark and design applications. The fees outlined below have been in effect since August 1, 2023. Please contact us for further information on payments and other fees.

Trademark fees

Description Fee (KRW)
Application Fee
Trademark application fee for each class (Electronic) 52,000
Trademark application fee for each class (Paper)
* Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class(Electronic & Paper)
Examination Fee
Application for a priority claim 18,000(electronic application)
20,000(paper-based application)
Request for a preferential examination 160,000
Registration Fee
Registration for establishment of right
  a. Single lump sum payment
   - Basic fee : for each class
   - Additional fee for each class
  * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 designated goods for each class
  b. Two installments
   - Basic fee for each installment
   - Additional fee for each class
   * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class

Additional registration of designated goods
* Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class
Renewal of registration
  a. Single lump sum payment
   - Basic fee : for each class
   - Additional fee for each class :
  * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class
  b. Two installments
   - Basic fee for each installment
   - Additional fee for each class
  * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class

Late renewal of registration (When renewal is applied for after the expiration of the term of registration):
  a. Single lump sum payment
   - Basic fee : for each class
   - Additional fee for each class :
  * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class
  b. Two installments
   - Basic fee for each installment
   - Additional fee for each class
  * Additional charge per number of designated goods exceeding 10 for each class

Request to divide types of goods or designated goods :
  a. When dividing multiple-designated trademark application, for each divided application:
  b. Others:

Application fee
Filling an opposition to a registration, for each class 50,000
Converted application fee
Trademark application into service mark application, for each case
9,000(electronic application)
10,000(paper-based application)

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Design fees

Description Fee (KRW)
Application Fee
Request for a substantive examination
  a. Design application fee (Electronic):
  b. Design application fee(Paper):

Request for partial-substantive examination
  a. Design application fee for each design (Electronic) :
  b. Design application fee for each design (Paper):

Examination Fee
Application for a priority design, for each priority design
  a. Basic fee
18,000(electronic application)
20,000(paper-based application)
Request for a reexamination, for each design (Electronic):
  a. Basic fee
Request for a reexamination, for each design (Paper): 40,000
Request for a preferential examination 70,000
Annual Fee
Substantive examination
  a. 1 to 3 years, annually, for each design (Grant fee is included)
  b. 4 to 6 years, annually, for each design
  c. 7 to 9 years, annually, for each design
  d. 10 to 12 years, annually, for each design
  e. 13 to 20 years, annually, for each design

Partial-substantive examination
  a. 1 to 3 years, annually, for each design (Grant fee is included)
  b. 4 to 20 years, annually, for each design

Converting non-substantive examination into substantive examination (Electronic): 53,000
Converting non-substantive examination into substantive examination (Paper) : 63,000
Request for a secret design, for each design : 18,000(electronic application)
20,000(paper-based application)
Request for laying-open of a design application, for each case : 21,000(electronic application)
24,000(paper-based application)
Filling an opposition to a registration, for each design : 50,000
Divisional application fee:
When dividing a multiple-design application, for each divided application,

a. In case of division into same application

b. In case of division partial substantive examination application into substantive examination application

c. others

(electronic application)
(paper-based application)
(electronic application)
(paper-based application)
Application fee

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Payment methods

All fees can be paid either by direct deposit to a bank in Korea, or by means of a giro (electronic billing system). To utilize either method, you will need a residential or business address in Korea because of the unique online certificate system. Please note that the fees are NOT paid directly to KIPO or a KIPO account.

If you have a residential address in Korea, you are legally entitled to handle application procedures yourself. When you receive an application number, you should submit a Certificate of the Facts of Alien Registration, which is issued by the Korean Immigration Office or your local district (Gu) office.

There are three ways you can make the payment. First, you can use the electronic application system to pay the fees online or via a giro online.This can't be done from abroad because of the unique online certificate system used in Korea.

Second, you can visit our office in person and submit a fee document, at which time they will issue you a receipt. Once you are issued the receipt, you can pay the fee at any bank in Korea, and the fee is to be paid by the next day.

Third, you can send a Korean postal money order with the completed payment form. *Please note that all documentation must be in Korean, not English. For further information, please contact our customer service center (1544-8080, Korean only).

If you do not have a residential or business address in Korea, you should appoint a representative to complete all application procedures. If you do appoint a representative, please note you will also need to submit a power of attorney for the representative. (Form 2)

If you would like to appoint a patent attorney, contact the Korean Patent Attorneys Association at:

Tel: +82 (2) 3486-3486
Fax: +82 (2) 3486-3511

  • Last updated 01 February 2024
  • Industrial Property Information Policy Division